Elsewhere English Episodes Japanese Passion


I had another great psychic reading last week. Some people use the term, “psychic junkie,” but I use readings as a counseling, and I’m just very curious about the truth. I’m sure there are phony psychics, but fake or real, if they can help you by telling what you want to hear- to get through a hard time or making a right decision- it’s worth the money. As long as they’ll bring your energy up and make you believe in your self.   

This session was a gift from my new friend Michelle. Her friends, Ree & her American husband Anthony, are both psychic mediums, who work together from Japan. Their mission is to help fill Earth with love! The first zoom-reading was a 90 minute session. After having the usual trouble, I finally logged in, and saw the young, good-looking couple looking at me (my energy) smiling. Anthony started off with a short ritual for our protection with invisible shields and mirrors (from bad energy beings, I gathered). 

Ree asked me to say the two sentences in my own words: “I intend to transform myself so the world will change,” and “I have abundant possibilities.” I’ve learned the power of affirmation in some books by life-coaches such as Louise Hay, but it wasn’t easy for me to say it. “Would you feel more comfortable saying it in English?” Ree asked me. She was right, even though my English is not great, my brain struggles when I try to talk about the things I’ve done or learned in English environment, in Japanese, and vice versa. But the point of this was for them to see my energy shifting by making the positive affirmation. She told me that not many people’s energy would shift, but mine did, which means that I could use the magic to transform. “Japanese words have meanings, and have strong energy, please practice it in Japanese daily,” Ree advised me. 

“Writing…I was told, ” Ree said, channeling. I knew some spirit is telling her about my writing blog and my plan to write a book. “Is that.. your angel saying it?” I wanted to know. 

“It’s a Japanese man.. and a woman also…they are your maternal grand parents,” said Anthony in his fluent Japanese. Their messages were loving and kind. They said I grew up into a fine person, they’re impressed with my costumes, and told me not to worry about my late sister, about the house I had to sell, and about my mother in the group home. Ree was sending me the divine healing energy when she was not channeling.  

“Her fifth chakra…right?” Anthony whispered to Ree, and she nodded like she agreed. They probably saw my fifth chakra (the blue throat chakra is about communication, speaking, sharing, expressing, listening, and perceiving from a higher form of communication. When we are having trouble expressing ourselves, we experience neck pain, and feel anger or frustration, we don’t feel understood. When we are able to speak our truth easily, we feel like you’re being heard and respected by others and yourself.-Carol Tuttle) is closed, as I was told by five other people before. I’ve experienced choking feelings, and now, I’ve been coughing for about a week. 

“At the beginning, we saw you clearly but couldn’t hear you. The issue of your fifth chakra was shown in the technical difficulty. You coughed a lot when you asked us about your friend’s late husband, because you want to comfort her, but you were also afraid that you might make her sad instead.” Anthony explained. “Your grand father said that you’re confident about your creation, but not about writing.”  I’ve lost some friends when I’ve said too much. I know if I write everything, it would be more interesting story, but it could hurt some people. “You need to forgive yourself and others for what happened in the past. Your grand father wants you to write about the fun memory from your childhood. If you don’t know how to write without hurting anyone, ask for his help as you write, and he will help you.” 

I asked about my new business concern during the pandemic, “He says, always remember the feeling of your excitement when you succeeded on your work. Focus on what you’re confident about at a time, do what makes you excite, and keep surfing (which was what I was doing). You just met Michelle, but she told me (Anthony) how special person you are. You will meet more people, but work with people who appreciate you. Then everything will go well. Your grand father is laughing, and said you knew that already!”  

I had to ask about my usual question about my past life, because I was curious what kind of relationship I had with my husband or friends like Michelle, who I just met but we are already working on her amazing project together. They told me a few things they saw, but also taught me that the past is not important. Ree said, “I know it’s fun to know the past story and  people could bond deeper, but the person in the past and you are different persons. It’s important to focus in the present moment,” and, “ Angels don’t want to show it to you either, because you might get shocked seeing yourself doing bad things in your past lives. The earth is going towards peace little by little, but the people have done horrible things in the past!” We laughed but it’s so horrifying when you think of the world hundreds of years ago, our lives’ value was low. Lives didn’t matter.  

Lastly, I had to ask about what a few people, (one of them was a scary looking spirit with strange teeth) had said to me, that I was a princess in two past lives. I mean, who wouldn’t want to know, right? But Anthony’s explanation was rather a disappointment! He said that every women was a princess (I think he was talking about oneness, for we are a part of the collective divine energy). It was merely a reflection of your energy at the time when someone told you that. You wanted to be heard, or treated better, like a princess.” Nobody has interpreted it like that, but it made sense to me. It happened when I quit my job, feeling I deserve better … again, my throat chakra had caused it. 

“Your thoughts are important. Stop worrying about your past, and express your thoughts when it comes down to you. Everything happens at the perfect timing…and maybe the scary spirit will appear with good teeth!” said Anthony in a charming manner. I liked him! “ When you change, others get inspired to change as well.” This is a wisdom for everyone. 

It was great to have the confirmation about what I was worried about, and to be reminded about the importance of living in now, and the power of affirmation to believe in myself. And from now on, I will express my thoughts and feelings without fear, to heal my fifth chakra.      

Like the Duran Duran’s song I like to workout to, “All you need is now” and as John Lennon said, love is the answer and you know that for sure! 













私がワークアウトする時に聞くデュラン・デュランの曲のように、All you need is NOW (今こそはすべて)、そしてジョン・レノンが言ったように、LOVE is the answer and you know that for sure! (愛こそはすべて)ですね!

4 thoughts on “ALL YOU NEED IS NOW

  1. Thank you for sharing your insights yuka
    I am also writing a journal to express my fears and hoping to become better more healthy everyday as I continue with my brain injury. Writing down innermost feelings is difficult for me. My theme is “ bravely choosing to be vulnerable “”. You , Yuka, you are brave ,

    1. Hi Stephanie, How is your journal going? You’ve made a miraculous recovery from your brain injury, I’m sure it will help many people in the situation! Writing helps me to clear my thoughts. I don’t think I’m brave, but I just need to write or I’d bother my friends and family by emailing.. before that it was by calling, faxing or writing a long letter! I hope it will help you to get through your healing and rehabilitating process!

  2. Never worry about misrepresenting Tom. Your love for us makes all the difference. We want you to write with freedom and joy. Xoxo


    1. I hope I was wrong about Thomas John, and Tom and my sister really came to say hi. Either way, I have no doubt the other side. Thank you Maxine, I love you xo

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