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I hope everyone and their loved ones are healthy and feeling hopeful as I am. It’s been heartbreaking to see thousands of people dying alone from the second wave of Covid-19. Mostly because of that, I still haven’t gotten over my resentment towards Trump and his voters completely. Thank God he will leave (or will he ever..?) soon, and I am hopeful that things will be better!  

I feel fortunate that there were many things that I was grateful for besides for my family and my own good health and to have enough food and a warm home. Looking back, 2020 was the year of teamwork and collaboration to me…

-I had a blast with my girls in the band, Slots! Our groovy group photo made it to the Star. 

-I was lucky to have an investor on my online clothing shop, GirlsOnFilmCollection.com

-I went back to F.I.T. in New York City and took a certified course for pattern making on CAD. I tried out Photoshop and Illustrator also to design “artivist” message prints for T-shirts and masks.

-My friends and I made and donated facemarks and surgical caps for some hospitals and the local essential workers. It gave us a purpose during the uncertain time. The story of #SewAppreciate made it to the end of the year issue of the Star, thanks to my friend, Yupay Vong’s connection. I was also asked to make a video “How to Make A FaceMask” by Ella Watson of LTV, through Dianne B. 

-The song written by Paul McCartney, “Wild Life” covered by the LightWorkers and edited by the Grammy Award winning editor, Cynthia Daniels, became a beautiful and powerful music video! The wildlife hero, Dell Cullum, not only shot and edited it, but also magically delivered the video and got us permission to use it by Sir Paul!! The video has been awarded at three film festivals! Since then, we’ve been promoting it to bring awareness to live with wildlife in harmony through various media platforms. Christopher Walsh ran the story on the Star

-After merging each others bands and co-operating #SewAppreciate team together, the former model/actress and now fashion designer, Anne Kothari and I became closer friends. She is now a featured designer of GOFCollection. We’ve collaborated on Slots tees and mask designs. The production has been still delayed due to the pandemic, but we’re hopeful to make a grand-opening soon!  

-My friend and location producer, Holly Li, gave me some on-site seamstress jobs for a couple of big fashion photo shoot gigs. I was able to save the money for my business.

-Got couple of invitations from other wildlife activists to join their efforts. When I invited my friends to their protests, I got to know the wonderful & award winning filmmaker and writer, Michelle Fiordaliso. Our mutual friend, Holly and I helped her human installation art “Unity Project” as a silent protest. Michelle is now helping me with writing my book/transcript!   

-Like mother like daughter-if there is such a saying-my 18 year old daughter joined the Black Lives Matter movement protests. She bought a maroon pant suit to be Kamala Harris to go with her best friend as Biden for Halloween. Their class of 2020’s curbside graduation ceremony became the most memorable one. Her college started from home and she was disappointed not to be able to play softball this past spring, but I know she was enjoying surfing after class, and was in good spirit most times. I was grateful to have been able to keep her and for helping me around the house during the pandemic. We will miss her when she takes off in February at last. 

-Biden & Harris !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I spent the last days of 2020 cleaning and reorganize our coat closet and pantry etc. as a Japanese tradition. Cleaning always make you feel great afterwords, it brings good-luck. I’ve been lucky enough to be invited to my Japanese friend’s annual Osechi brunch party on new years day for many years but obviously he didn’t have one this time. My family doesn’t eat them, but the cleaning gave me good energy to prepare the Japanese traditional feast this morning for myself. That gave me the energy to write this 🙂 

If I think of all the bad things happening in the world, I’d attract heavy dark energy and get depressed. While it’s important to do what we all can do to help at a time, I believe we need to take good care of ourselves first. Only then, we’ll have more energy to fight for others. Same is true to love yourself first, then we can love others. 

When you can enjoy your own company, you won’t feel lonely so much. It may sounds funny, but I’m my own best friend. She is patient, honest but kind to me. I’m also grateful for my family and to you, who is reading this. Thank you for being in my life. As my friend Dianne. B wished for me, I wish you a peaceful but exciting year 2021. As John Lennon said, let’s imagine the world will be as ONE.




ー夢のオンラインショップ、GirlsOnFilmCollection.com に投資してくれる人が現れました。


ーソーシャルディスタンス中、先頭切って友達と一緒にマスクとキャップを病院のヘルスワーカーさんたちや地元のエッセンシャルワーカーさんたちのために作って寄付できました。先行きが見えない時期、人のためになることができたことはよかった。#SewAppreciate の記事が友達の計らいで、年の瀬の地元の新聞に載りました!また別の友達を通して、地元のテレビ局からは『マスクの作り方』のビデオ収録を頼まれました。

ーThe LightWorkersがカバーして、グラミー受賞者のシンシア・ダニエルズ氏がレコーディング、編集したポール・マッカートニー作詞・作曲『ワイルド ライフ』がミュージック・ビデオに!ワイルドライフヒーローのデル・カラムはこのビデオを収録して編集しただけでなく、魔法のようにサー・ポールにビデオを届けて使用許可まで頂いてくれました!ビデオは三つの映画祭で受賞獲得。野生動物と共存する大切さを広めるために、あらゆる某隊を使って宣伝しています。もちろんその記事も新聞に載りました。

ーお互いのバンドを結合して、#SewAppreciateで一緒に指揮を取って以来、元モデル・俳優でファッションデザイナーのアン・コトリと仲良しに。現在アンはGIRLS ON FILM COLLECTIONのゲストデザイナー。一緒にスロッツのTシャツとマスクのロゴをデザインしたりして楽しんでいます。コロナで企画が遅れていますが、少しずつ商品が増えてきて、春にはグランドオープニングが出来そう!








4 thoughts on “2020 WE ALL WERE IN THIS TOGETHER

  1. What a monumental year you have had! You have always worked hard and moved forward ever since I have known you. It is great reading your accomplishments here. Sending you a big hug. I can’t wait to see your continued work and rewards.

    1. Dear Maxine,
      You are the best supporting actress in the last season’s episodes of my life 🙂 I’m so grateful to have your love and support xoxoxo

  2. Dear Yuka, your message to practice self-care comes at the best time for me! Congratulations on all of your many accomplishments this year, in spite of the pandemic, you have helped so many.

    1. Dear Stephanie, I was just fortunate to be in the position and to be surrounded by pro-active friends 🙏🏼
      I’m so happy to hear that you’ve got a message through me! Enjoy the cozy winter days doing what you love!

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