

“Hi Yuka! Playing Talkhouse tonight at 8pm,” said Bosco, the legendary guitarist, via text last night. He has played and recorded with great musicians, as well as local bands, including my 80’s music tribute band, the Cherry Bombs. My husband has been taking guitar lessons since the past summer, and he is not only improving, but he seems to be enjoying Bosco’s company to talk about music, etc. We haven’t seen him play live yet, so I wanted to go, even though this band he was playing with play “Some country and funky blues,” as Bosco described, which is not my kind of music. 

I texted and insisted my husband go with me, without realizing the pouring rain outside as I was working on a costume, while listening to an audio book about self-improvement all morning. At my lunch break, I fixed myself a soba noodle and sat down in front of the TV to eat it. I turned on the TV, and got excited to see one of my favorite films, Lost in Translation was available on Netflix and ended up watching the whole movie… as usual.

I love the soundtrack. Maybe I should listen to the same songs in my taxi when I go on the same highway to the Tokyo International airport when I go there in a few weeks, I thought to myself. I gazed out at the rain outside of the window, and felt cozy and grateful. 

When I was a kid, there was a dense road under the train tracks near my house, that would always get flooded like a swimming pool. The kids in the neighborhood and I would get excited and played in the water wearing rain boots. For some reason, little kids were always wearing short rain boots even when it was not raining. Mine were long red ones with multi-colored polka dots lining. One time, a bus got stuck in the flood, and we loved and laughed about how a police officer said that “The people on the bus are safe, packed in the can.”- I stopped playing there when my mother told me that the water from the sewer was disgusting…      

We were having a record-breaking rainfall yesterday that New York City had declared a state of emergency. People were posting videos of flooding floor of LaGuardia airport, subway tracks and the roads. I hope everyone was safe. 

Still determined to go, I pushed my husband out to the car in the heavy rain when he must have been tired came home from work. The online ticket sale had ended and we didn’t have enough cash to pay at the door, so we would have had to stop at the ATM in the rain. We sat in my new hybrid car, and looked at the rain falling on the windshield, then to each other, and both agreed it was not a good idea to go out. 

I was not going to cook and didn’t go shopping for dinner, but I heated up the cauliflower soup I had made the night before, garnished with some browned leek and garlic, made some salad and toasted some bread we had in the freezer to have them with the truffle cheese we had. “It turned out to be a nice little dinner,” said my husband, smiling. 

Later at night, Bosco reported in the group chat with the band that he got home safely from his “scary driving” in the rain storm, and I was happy to learn that one of our members showed up and they had a fun gig. “ Show must go on!” Bosco said. Yup. 

「ハイ、ユカ!今夜8時、トークハウス(ライブハウスStephen Talkhouse)でライブあるよ」伝説的なギタリストで、通称ボスコから昨夜メールが入った。著名なミュージシャンや、80年代の音楽に捧げる私のバンド、チェリー・ボムズ(Cherry Bombs)を含めた地元のバンドとも演奏やレコーディングに携わっている人だ。うちの人もこの夏からボスコのギターのレッスンを受けて上達しているだけでなく、音楽などについて語り合うことを楽しんでいるようだ。今回ボスコが演奏したバンドは彼いわく、「カントリーとファンキーなブルース」で私の好きなタイプの音楽ではなかったけれど、彼がライブで演奏するのを私たちはまだ観たことがなかったので観に行きたかった。







2 thoughts on “MAJOR FLOODING・大洪水

    1. Thank you for reading my blog Maxine! I’m glad it didn’t rain at Duran Duran’s…I think the hotel charged me $16 for the umbrella! haha.

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